Talks for academic audiences
I was on maternity leave during 2022.
A Kock, A Lombard, R Daly, V Goodall, M Meyer, R Johnson, C Fischer, P Koen, D Irion, E Gennari, A Towner, O Jewell, C da Silva, M Dicken, M Smale and T Photopoulou (Speaker). Sex and size influence the spatiotemporal distribution of white sharks, with implications for interactions with fisheries and spatial management in the southwest Indian Ocean. Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland annual science meeting, 5-7 October 2021
A Kock, A Lombard, R Daly, V Goodall (Speaker), M Meyer, R Johnson, C Fischer, P Koen, D Irion, E Gennari, A Towner, O Jewell, C da Silva, M Dicken, M Smale and T Photopoulou. Sex and size influence the spatiotemporal distribution of white sharks, with implications for interactions with fisheries and spatial management in the southwest Indian Ocean. The Conservation Symposium 1-5 November 2021
A Barratclough (Speaker), CR Smith, FM Gomez, T Photopoulou, R Takeshita, E Pirotta, L Thomas, AM McClain, C Parry, JA Zoller, S Horvath and LH Schwacke. Establishing epigenetic techniques for use in endangered cetaceans. Annual Wildlife Disease Association Conference, 31 August - 2 September 2021
T Photopoulou, K Heerah, J Pohle and L Boehme. Sex-specific variation in the use of vertical habitat by a resident Antarctic top predator. Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland annual science meeting, 5-9 October 2020
I contributed to a webinar organised by the International Biologing Society on 21 July 2020. You can watch the presentation and hear me and others talk about methods and techniques in biologging science. My talk is called Using HMMs to study the diving ecology of Weddell seals and it starts at 1:26:40 into the video.
Click the play button to watch it.
T Photopoulou, K Heerah, J Pohle and L Boehme. Using hidden Markov models to study the effects of environmental characteristics on the diving ecology of Weddell seals. virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference, 22-26 June 2020
T Photopoulou, L Boehme. Studying the effect of ocean properties on the diving ecology of Weddell seals using hidden Markov models. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019
T Photopoulou, L Boehme. Sex differences in the diving ecology of Weddell seals. Marine Alliance for Science & Technology in Scotland, Annual Science Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-3 October 2019
T Photopoulou. Using hidden Markov models to learn about long-term diving behaviour in Weddell seals. Invited departmental seminar Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, 5 August 2019. Cape Town, South Africa
T Photopoulou, L Boehme. Diving behaviour vs ocean properties the case of Weddell seals and HMMs. National Council for Statistical Ecology Summer Meeting 24-28 June 2019. Edinburgh, Scotland
T Photopoulou. Using hidden Markov models to learn about long-term diving behaviour in Weddell seals. I gave this invited talk during my research visit to Aarhus University, Department of Biosciences, 20 June 2019. Aarhus, Denmark
T Photopoulou. Applications of hidden Markov models to animal movement data
The highs and lows of sampling resolution. CREEM seminar, 6 December 2018. St Andrews, Scotland
T Photopoulou. Animal movement modelling with hidden Markov models. FILAMO workshop 10-13 September 2018. Cape Town, South Africa.
T Photopoulou, AA Kock, T Michelot and D Borchers. 3 July 2018. Estimating movement from acoustic telemetry data from great white sharks. International Statistical Ecology Conference, St Andrews, Scotland.
I gave an invited talk in a special session called "E2-Moves: From individual movements to eco-evolutionary consequences/dynamics" at the conference Ecology Across Borders organised by the British Ecological Society and held in Ghent, Belgium 11-14 December 2017. My talk was called What is exciting about future methods for movement ecology? Thinking differently about space, time and multiple data types
AA Kock, MJ O'Riain, T Photopoulou, I Durbach, K Mauff, M Meyer, D Kotze, M Lombard and C Griffiths. Movement patterns and site preference of white sharks along the inshore of False Bay. 4 July 2017, Special Session: Tracking Marine Top Predators for The Identification of Ecologically Important Areas, South African Marine Science Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (talk delivered by me)
T Photopoulou, IM Ferreira, T Kasuya, PB Best and H Marsh. Evidence for a postreproductive phase in female false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens. South African Marine Science Symposium, 5-7 July 2017 Port Elizabeth, South Africa
T Photopoulou. Animal movement modelling with moveHMM. SEEC Toolbox Seminar series. 29 Jun 2017. Cape Town, South Africa. Slides and R notebook.
T Photopoulou. Statistical models for animal movement: the case of hidden Markov models. 6 Dec 2016. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Journal Club talk
T Photopoulou, V Leos-Barajas. Using hidden Markov models for the analysis of animal acceleration data. South African Statistical Association Conference. 28 Nov - 1 Dec 2016, Cape Town, South Africa
T Photopoulou, V Leos-Barajas, R Langrock, M Murgatroyd, L Underhill, A Amar, W Bouten and Res Altwegg. Hidden Markov models for acceleration and three-dimensional movement data in a soaring raptor. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 28 June - 1 July 2016, Seattle, US
I gave a webinar as part of my research visit to the Universities of St Andrews and Glasgow (June-August 2015) and it was put online. This visit was funded by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland PECRE scheme for postdoctoral researchers. You can watch the presentation and hear me talk about analysing telemetry data from aerial and aquatic systems. Click the play button to watch it.
Public engagement & Talks for non-academic audiences
** Coming soon! **